
Amashaufer GmbH
Kendl 6,
3254 Bergland,

Tel.: +43 7416 | 55506-00
Fax: +43 7416 | 55506-20

Purpose of the company:
registered office: Bergland
Court of registration & Registration number: Landesgericht St. Pölten | FN 86482 f
VAT identification number: ATU18872405
GLN: 9110015504224
Member of: WKO St. Pölten

Managing Director
Susanne Amashaufer Thomas Amashaufer

Picture credit

The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. 

The image rights belong to the following photographers and companies:

  • Pixabay, Envato Elements, Shuterstock, I-Stock, Unsplash  


Velice Avidor OG

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